Thursday, September 7, 2017

Ramayana Reading Part B

Bharata and Rama
So I really enjoyed reading about Rama since I have learned a bit about the Hindu gods in other classes. I would say that Rama's Exile was one of my favorites since it shows how Rama is understanding and just wants peace. He goes further away from Ayodyah because he knows that people will try and convince him to come back. His father is dying, he was exiled, he lost his position as his father's successor. He didn't do anything wrong. He finds some solace in meeting an old friend of his father's but he too wants to die since friend is dead. This whole section is just really sad. 

I know that Bharata had no idea about what his mother did to make him king. I think that it was really honorable that he not only was upset but he did something about it. He tried to make it right. Rama understands but he wants to fulfill his exile because that's they way these guys are. They are honorable. I think if I were to write a story about these two brothers and the exchange Bharata and Rama had in the forest, I would keep their character the way they are. It's really sweet to see a guy do right by his brother. 

Narayan, R. K.. The Ramayana: A Shortened Modern Prose Version of the Indian Epic (Penguin Classics) (p. 66). Penguin Publishing Group. Kindle Edition. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Miriam! Just a quick note: this is an epic where the plot and characters carry on from one section to another to another; did you read Part A? It would be hard to make sense of Part B without reading Part A. So, please make sure you read Part A and write up some notes next (you can do that for extra credit reading this week if you want). You need to read Part A, and then you'll be ready to move on to Part C and Part D. This is not like a collection of stories where you can just skip around, and it will make a lot more sense by reading the whole thing in order. So, for the next reading assignment you do (either this week for extra credit, or next week), do Part A, and THEN go on to Part C and then Part D. The goal is to finish A-B-C-D by the end of Week 5, so you've still got plenty of time to do that.


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