Thursday, September 28, 2017

Reading Notes Mahabharata: Part B

Part B was pretty enjoyable to read. One thing that I was kind of upset about was the planning of the death of the Pandava and their mother Kunti. Not really that they were platted against by their own cousins, but that the lower caste women and her sons were killed. If the Pandava were so good and noble, why did they just let them die in the fire? They were allowed in to eat but they paid for it with their lives. If I do write about this story I would probably change it so that it explains why they were left to die. Maybe they couldn't be awoken because they were in a drunken sleep. Or maybe the Pandava knowingly left them there so that they could hide that they survived. Either way, I hate not knowing the reasons why characters do things. 

The Indian Heroes by C. A. Kincaid (1921).

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